Free concert a success

Free concert a success
Type of post: Choir news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: David Thomas
Status: Current
Date Posted: Mon, 30 Sep 2024
Thank you to everyone who came to our free concert at Shrewsbury Abbey on 21 September. We do hope you enjoyed the concert, and thank you to the Abbey for welcoming us as part of the free concert series. There's more to come - just pop over to the Abbey website to find out more.

Meanwhile, we at the Phoenix Singers are getting back in the swing of rehearsals for our next concert coming up on Saturday 16th November in St. Chad's Church, Shrewsbury. Once again, we'll be joining forces with NOXWODE and their period instruments. Stay tuned for some inside information about baroque-era instruments, which is good news for some of us singers... We hope to welcome you to enjoy music which may be familiar, unfamiliar or a mix! Whether you know it by heart or you're coming to Vivaldi, Handel and Bach for the first time, it will be a lovely evening which we are very much looking forward to.